God's hope for Adam and Eve was what that they would grow, reach perfection and form a true family. This is what He originally intended at the time of the Creation. God created Adam as His only begotten Son and Eve as His only begotten Daughter. With absolute love He invested everything in them, and in them, He placed all His hopes. What has just been described is how, through the Messiah at the Second Advent, God will fulfill the providence of inaugurating the True Parents. For this purpose God enabled two people to be born on earth. Sun Myung Moon is the True Father; he is the Messiah at the Second Adevent and Third Adam. Hak Ja Han is the True Mother; she comes as the Bride of the Messiah at the Second Advent, the Third Eve and the embodiment of the Holy Spirit. (Chambumo Gyeong, Book 1.)

I pro-claim the new day of eternal life. On this day we sing praise to eternal liberation and complete freedom, to a new heaven and earth, the final and ideal realm of the providence centering on God. January 13, 2013 is coming with the promise of a new era and a new nation. (Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 13, Chapter 3, Section 1, 38-39.)

Celebration of True Parents' Birthday and Hyojeong Cultural Festival
Holy Birthday: Feb 10 09:30~16:00, CheongShim Peace World CenterAddress by Intl. Pres. Sun Jin Moon
Feb 9 16:00~17:30